Eliott Dupuy

What are the 10 trendiest website colors?

A number of criteria should be considered when designing a website, including its structure, design, call-to-actions, domain name, hosting, and many others. The list is not exhaustive, but one of the most important elements that is often overlooked is: The trendy colors of website.

Why is it important to choose the right website color scheme?

Les studies show that90 secondssufficient for internet users to judge whether they like a website or not, and90% of their judgment is based on its color. That is why you must take the time to carefully select the right website colors in harmony.

The readability of your website also depends on its color. It has even been proven that it increases by 40% if the trendy web colors of 2020 are well studied. Similarly, Reader comprehension increases by 73% while their learning increases by 78%.

But are all colors allowed, considering that there are more than 10 million of them? The choice belongs to the website designer and its owner, but preferably, it is necessary to comply with the studies previously conducted on this subject. In fact, the University of Toronto has confirmed that the combination ofsimple colors attracted more people.

To prove it to you, I will give you 10 examples of websites that have been very successful because they have chosen the colors of the website trend wisely.

The 10 main trendy web colors

1. Website color harmony: soft tones

Soft colors are undeniably part of the trendy website colors In 2020... Creations Namales This is a real example, a jewelry brand based in Canada. Notice that theThe colors used are all soft, classy, and attractive The perfect choice for a jewelry brand.

Certainly, the combination is simple, but that's what gives the site all its charm. As often said: "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication". So, if your business also involves jewelry (closely or remotely), you can take inspiration from this site. These references may interest you: #c5d5cb, 9fa8a3, e3e0cf.

Furthermore, the color white occupies a large part of the design. This is what makes the page airy. There is also not a lot of text. One page is dedicated to a single product; the goal being to highlight the items for sale.

2. Gray, white, and red

Here is another website color combination: Simple gray, off-white, and a touch of red. This is the website of Tareq Portfolio who used it; Tareq Ismail being the founder of the site, an experienced designer. This page is slightly different from the jewelry brand we just saw earlier, as more text is present here

Even in the face of somewhat unattractive trendy website colors, the designer was able to highlight the services offered. He even added a bonus: a photo of himself wearing a white shirt. This touch gives energy to the entire page. Otherwise, it may have been boring.

In conclusion, gray, white, and red aretrendy web colors that combine professionalism and simplicity. They are specifically tailored for websites that contain a lot more text. So, in case you want to be inspired, here are the color codes: #E3E3E3; #F6F6F8; #C60021.

3. Gradient of blue and green, with white text

Stripe is our next example. Many professionals use it for their online payment. As the company operates in a technological field, it has made sure to showcase it through the colors of the site.

However, this is what their website looked like in 2013:

It was both heavy and boring. Some adjustments were made later. The team finally managed to choose the right trendy website colors: the color gradient a shade of blue, a shade of green, and white

Moreover, see for yourself the difference in design of today's website and that of 2013. So, if your current website looks like Stripe's a few years ago, it's time to update it.

4. Oranges and red tones

Recently, the retro colorshave made their big comeback! They have even become trendy web colors for 2020. How is it that the trendy colors of the 80s can give a website a modern effect? Let's hear from the website Spotify

As you can see, the combination of red and orange colors has been a success. The old-fashioned atmosphere is present, certainly, but this does not take away from the modern side of the platform. If you are targeting a particular category of people, you know what you have to do.

5. Trendy website color: pink and black

Cowboy This is a website that sells electric bicycles. The designer used a soft pink color as the background, with some small touches of bright pink. To top it off, a black bicycle is placed in the center. By looking at the entire site, one can come to the following conclusion: the design is unique.

Are you hesitant about the color pink? Like many people, you probably think it's meant for women. But think of a cowboy; he has managed to prove the opposite. In fact, he doesn't sell any women's items. All their products are designed for all genders.

All this to say that in terms of trendy website color choices, some stereotypes are not valid. If you want to take inspiration from the site, take note of these color codes: #000000; #FA255E; #C39EA0; #F8E5E5.

6. Gray, pale yellow, and dark green

The gray, yellow, and green colors are unimaginable together. However, a website from the Czech Republic has proven that their combination is possible: QED GroupTo avoid it being overwhelming, the designer has used light colors (dull gray) in the background. If you are interested in having a website like this, here are the references: #dddfc4; #fae596; #3fb0ac; #173e43.

7. Trendy Website Color: Earth Tones

Konstantopoulos S.A. "Olymp" is a website for selling green olives. That is why their team has selected colors close to those of the olives: earth tones and olive tones. Olive green being the main color.

For those interested in these colors: #34421E; #F1F1EF; #C19434.

And you? Do you also sell products that can be easily identified by their color?

8. Lots of red accompanied by even heavier tones

So far, red is rarely used as a trendy website color. The reason is simple: it is very powerful, heavy, which makes its use difficult. In most cases, it is used to highlight a few small things such as keywords within a long paragraph.

Know that this is not the only way to integrate this color into a website. Here is another method: to associate it with other more sober colors (#FA292A; #B89F5D; #5A7670). This is what lAgency Five/Four The text: a fait. The bright red occupies a large part of their website. For the rest, the tones have been subdued. The important thing is to keep the page airy.

9. Futuristic and primary pastels

One of the most interesting sites in terms of design: Anton & IreneThey are designers Professionals who work in New York. Their website already says a lot about their experience and creativity.

What comes to mind when you see the website? Don't you feel like you're looking at a sitefuturistic? Not only do Anton and Irene's outfits support this idea, but the trendy website colors do too. And most importantly, they are in harmony (#bccbde; #c2dde6; #e6e9f0; #431c5d; #e05915; #cdd422).

10. Only blacks for trendy web colors in 2020

All shades of black can be used to enhance a website. Here are three examples: #151617; #090A0A; #151516. By combining these three colors, you will have a stunning result! But if you cannot get a clear idea of what this combination could lead to, Sorry, but "JY BH" does not appear to be a recognizable language or text. Can you provide more context or details so that I can accurately translate it into English? It opens its doors wide to you. The website has used black in a degraded manner.

JY BH is a French company that manufactures clothing. It also sells luxury accessories for both women and men. Clearly, the choice of color has proven to be a success for the brand. Furthermore, this color is considered timeless.


Now, when designing a website, pay attention to its design, especially to trendy website colors. Internet users also consider this point when doing their research. This guide is a real source of inspiration, so do not hesitate to take inspiration from the 10 websites that I have just proposed to you!