Eliott Dupuy

How to create a website? A simple and complete guide

In 2020, you have no excuse for not having a website! Anyone can create a website without knowing development, design, or web code. How? Just use the right tools and resources! So I wrote this guide to explain the steps of creating a website for you.

Whether you are starting from scratch, have no money in your pocket, are a freelancer or agency, this guide is made for you! All you need is 2 hours of your time to complete and understand this guide. By the end, you will know how to create your website yourself.

But before we continue, I will confess something to you. This information will save you a huge amount of time: to create an effective website, there are only 3 methods.

Yes, only 3!

So, from the beginning, think about what you really want. Changing projects from time to time will cost you months of income, a lot of time, long sleepless nights..

I advise you to take a few minutes (or even hours) before diving directly into building your website. Make sure you are using the right method. Everything indeed depends on this decision. If it goes well, everything else will be a piece of cake.

Do you need help with website design?

Get help designing your website or blog today.

3 methods to create a website

First, I invite you to answer these two questions. They will allow you to know exactly how you are going to create your website.

  1. Allez-vous vendre des produits physiques à partir de votre site Web ?

La seule manière de créer des sites e-commerce en 2020 est ShopifyShopify Découvrez en plus sur ce sujet à travers un article détaillé sur l’utilisation de Shopify ou WoocommerceThe only way to create e-commerce websites in 2020 is

  1. Êtes-vous SÉRIEUX à obtenir beaucoup de trafic vers votre site Web ?

I have spent my entire career in digital marketing. I have been able to build websites, drive traffic, generate leads, and optimize sales funnels. But..

Parfois, toutes ces stratégies d’optimisations sont exagéréesMany websites do not need tons of traffic De nombreux sites n’ont pas besoin de tonnes de traficMany websites do not need tons of traffic Sometimes, all these optimization strategies are exaggerated

Restaurant websites are a perfect example of this. They should have the name, menu, hours, phone number, and location. In this case, there is no need for sophisticated SEO strategies, lead funnels, viral growth hacking... A basic and informative website is more than enough for a restaurant.

Si vous tombez dans cette catégorie, vous avez de la chance ! Vous n’avez pas besoin de passer par plusieurs étapes supplémentaireswebsite builder Utilisez un webdesite builderwebsite builder D’ailleurs, il y en a tout un tas de website builderIf you fall into this category, you are lucky! You don't need to go through several additional stepswebsite builder Use a

Qu’en est-il des autres sites, ceux qui visent un fort trafic ?

It's simple: build your site on WordPress. It's easy to set up, no need for a professional to do it. You won't need to code anything (the principle is the same as building a site on Wix). With WordPress, you have access to additional features that will help you generate traffic.

In conclusion, you have two options:

  • Si votre entreprise a besoin de beaucoup de trafic, utilisez WordPressIf you need a basic information website, use a site builder like  Ce guide vous sera d’une grande aide pour construire votre site, continuez la lectureIf you need a basic information website, use a site builder like

  • Si vous avez besoin d’un site Web d’information de base, utilisez un site builder comme SquarespaceIf you need a basic information website, use a site builder like  Ce guide décompose tous les meilleurs constructeurs de sites WebIf your company needs a lot of traffic, use WordPressIf you need a basic information website, use a site builder like This guide will be of great help to you in building your site, keep readingIf you need a basic information website, use a site builder like

Now, let's review all the options in detail.

Creating an ecommerce website or online store

Si vous vendez des biens physiques, vous n’avez qu’une seule option pour créer votre site Web: ShopifyIf you sell physical goods, you only have one option to create your website:  

Si vous vous êtes posé la question : oui, il existe techniquement d’autres options que vous pourriez envisager pour créer des sites web e-commerceShopify ShopifyIf you have asked yourself the question: yes, there are technically other options that you could consider for creating e-commerce websites

Lorsque vous créez votre site Web sur ShopifyWhen you create your website on

  • Un constructeur de boutique en ligne super facile

  • La possibilité de modifier votre site comme vous le souhaiteThe possibility to modify your website as you wish

  • La gestion intégrée des stocks et des expéditions

  • Un traitement des paiements qui ne prend que quelques minutes à mettre en place

  • A super easy online store builder

Obtenez tous les détails de notre avis approfondi sur ShopifyGet all the details of our website

Il n’y a vraiment aucun inconvénient à utiliser ShopifyThere is really no downside to using it

However, if you do not sell physical goods, Shopify may not make much sense. For other types of websites, there are easier and cheaper ways to create your site.

I have also spoken with several people who have worked at Shopify over the years, amazing people. Indeed, Shopify has not only designed an outstanding product, their company is also outstanding. All of this to say that the product will undoubtedly continue to improve

Website creation with high or low traffic: WordPress vs builder

You now have the choice...

  • Soit, vous utilisez un constructeur de site Web

  • Soit, vous créez vous-même le site avec WordPress

Les constructeurs de sites Web comme SquarespaceWebsite builders like

In which domain does your company operate? If you belong to any of the following, you'd better opt for Squarespace:

  • RLocal businessesstaurants

  • EntrLocal businessesprisLocal businessess localLocal businessess

  • IndépLocal businessesndants

  • SitLocal businessess dLocal businesses loisirs

  • GroupLocal businessess étudiants

  • DLocal businessess projLocal businessests dLocal businesses communauté

  • CV Local businessesn lignLocal businesses

  • RLocal businessesstaurants

These types of websites do not need traffic generation strategies. A few pages are enough for people to get an overview of what their company offers, their project..

However, it is important to know that website builders have a drawback. They are not equipped with advanced features. However, you will not even need them. You will get more value from simplicity, to the point that you won't even notice the absence of these features.

Et WordPress, dans tout ça ?

It is suitable for those who are considering creating a large website, and for those whose business relies on a lot of traffic on the internet.

WordPress alimente littéralement un tiers d’InternetWordPress literally powers one third of the Internet

  • Configuration facile, et donc une mise en ligne rapide de votre siteContinuous maintenance by the company managing WordPress developers, this means less development maintenance and lower costs for you.

  • Maintenance continue des développeurs par la société qui gère WordPress, cela signifie moins de maintenance de développement et des coûts inférieurs pour vousContinuous maintenance by the company managing WordPress developers, this means less development maintenance and lower costs for you.

  • Flexibilité et personnalisation complètesContinuous maintenance by the company managing WordPress developers, this means less development maintenance and lower costs for you. Au fil du temps, vous pouvez créer votre site comme bon vous sembleContinuous maintenance by the company managing WordPress developers, this means less development maintenance and lower costs for you.

  • Assez facile pour que de nombreuses personnes de votre équipe puissent apporter des modifications de base à votre site avec l’aide d’un développeurContinuous maintenance by the company managing WordPress developers, this means less development maintenance and lower costs for you.

  • Excellent référencement intégréContinuous maintenance by the company managing WordPress developers, this means less development maintenance and lower costs for you. Étant donné que de nombreux grands sites dépendent du trafic des moteurs de recherche dans une certaine mesure, ils choisissent généralement WordPress uniquement pour les fonctionnalités de référencementContinuous maintenance by the company managing WordPress developers, this means less development maintenance and lower costs for you.

  • Il est entièrement open source, vous possédez donc votre site Web et vous pouvez en faire ce que vous voulezContinuous maintenance by the company managing WordPress developers, this means less development maintenance and lower costs for you.

  • Easy setup, and therefore quick deployment of your websiteContinuous maintenance by the company managing WordPress developers, this means less development maintenance and lower costs for you.

WordPress is therefore free, has all the advanced features you need to generate large amounts of traffic, and is fully customizable. That's why it's so popular.

But compared to website builders, WordPress is more complicated. You need to set up web hosting, install WordPress, then configure your site using WordPress and find the right theme.

Sometimes, you can easily make the changes you want to your site. In other cases, you may need to modify your website's code or ask a developer to help you.

It all comes down to the goals you have for your business.

If you simply need a basic website containing information about your business, use a website builder, as they are much easier to use.

If you are creating a large website, use WordPress because it is fully customizable and has the advanced features you need.

WordPress VS other CMS

One day, I went to a restaurant with a friend. He explained to me that he had sold his media company (a blog that received millions of visitors per month).

At one point, he said, "You know, I built our entire site on Drupal"..

I almost spit my beer on him. "What did you do?!"

"Yes, our entire website is on Drupal. It was one of my biggest mistakes."

About ten years ago, WordPress had a few major competitors. Drupal and Joomla were the main ones.

It was around this time that I started my career, I did quite a few migrations, from Drupal to WordPress.

Even back then, WordPress was clearly the best choice. All other options were less user-friendly, more limited in terms of features. This gap has only widened over the years.

Nowadays, there is absolutely no reason to consider any other CMS beyond WordPress. All other options are worse. My friend chose Drupal and deeply regretted it, don't make the same mistake as him. Personally, I wouldn't touch a site built on Drupal or Joomla, I would walk away.

And WordPress.com?

I admit, it's a little confusing. They are both managed by the same company.

WordPressWith all the features free and open-source. When you sign up with a hosting provider and install WordPress, you are using code from WordPress.org.orgWordPressWith all the features free and open-source. When you sign up with a hosting provider and install WordPress, you are using code from WordPress.org.org

WordPressThis is the commercial side of the company. You can use WordPress.com to create a personal website. It's like having WordPress and a web host at the same time. They offer free sites that come with restrictions and paid options.comWordPressThis is the commercial side of the company. You can use WordPress.com to create a personal website. It's like having WordPress and a web host at the same time. They offer free sites that come with restrictions and paid options.com

It was once a great option for people looking for a simpler solution. But over the years, two major things have changed:

  • Chaque hébergeur propose désormais une installation simple de WordPressWebsite builders now offer simpler ways to create websites and are easier to use than WordPress.com.

  • Each hosting provider now offers a simple installation of WordPressWebsite builders now offer simpler ways to create websites and are easier to use than WordPress.com.

Certainly, WordPress makes websites much easier to manage. However, it can be too complicated for some people. Some people also complain about the difficulty of certain basic tasks. Website builders, on the other hand, have completely solved these kinds of problems.

If you want a simpler way to create your website rather than relying on a host and installing WordPress, you should consider a website builder instead of WordPress.com.

The advantages and disadvantages of hiring a professional

How about hiring someone to build your website for you?

Before considering this option, I advise you to start by choosing the right tool: Shopify, WordPress, or a website builder. This decision is yours alone.

Once you have chosen the right tool, you can look for someone who has a lot of experience with that tool (it can be a freelancer or an agency). I want to point out that WordPress experts are not at all Shopify experts (and vice versa).

Do not worry, calling a professional is not mandatory at all.

If you are short on money, know that you can take care of creating your website yourself. Shopify and WordPress both offer tons of themes that you can use. They may not be perfect, but they are more than enough to get your business off the ground.

Nowadays, themes that cost between 30 and 150 dollars are often just as good as websites built from scratch. Even free themes are often very high-performing and professional.

When you choose a freelancer or agency to work with, here is a little tip to ensure the quality of their work: ask to see their portfolio; real websites, if possible. Are there any of the ones they offer that are similar to your project? If so, choose them!

To build a simple website, know that you don't need to pay someone. Since there isn't much to customize or set up, you will just be wasting your money. Website building platforms are designed for beginners. In half a day, you will finish a beautiful job. Even without additional customization, some of the themes offered on these platforms are already fantastic!

It is time to build your website

Let's sum up...

There are only 3 ways to create your website.

  1. Pour les sites de commerce électronique, créez votre site avec Shopify Create your website with Shopify

  2. Pour les sites Web de base, utilisez un constructeur de sites Web de premier ordre Create your website with Shopify

  3. For e-commerce websites, Create your website with ShopifyCreate your website with Shopify

A step-by-step guide to creating a website with WordPress

J’ai décomposé la création du site à partir de zéro en 9 étapes simplesI have broken down the creation of the website from scratch into 9 simple steps

Step 1: Choose a name and find a domain for your website

Unfortunately, these are not two distinct steps.

I really wish to be able to sit on my couch, choose the name I want for my business, and be able to create the website I want around that name. Now that the Internet has been around for a few decades, we all have to face the fact that most of the good domains have been taken.

Here is how a naming session always seems to unfold:

  1. Dans un moment d’inspiration, nous pensons à un nom incroyableincredible

  2. Nous conservons ce nom pendant des mois, voire des annéesincredible

  3. Il est temps de démarrer le projet, alors nous allons acheter le domaineincredible

  4. Le domaine incrediblecom est prisincredible

  5. Nous considérons les extensions de notre pays incrediblech ou incrediblefr mais elles sont prisesincredible

  6. Nous essayons une dizaine de petites variations de notre idée originale, toutes prisesincredible

  7. Pas de problème, nous avions imaginé un nom brillant, il y en a d’autresincredible

  8. Idée de sauvegarde n ° 2 = priseincredible

  9. Idée de sauvegarde n ° 3 = priseincredible

  10. Idée de sauvegarde n ° 4 = priseincredible

  11. Le désespoir s’installeincredible

  12. Nous considérons des extensions farfelus incredibleco, incredibleorg ou incredibleioincredible

  13. Nous regardons des noms que nous n’aimons pas vraiment, en espérant que tout soit disponibleincredible

  14. Nous proposons 2 ou 3 options que nous n’aimons pas du toutincredible

  15. Ensuite, nous passons une semaine à essayer de trouver un nom à la fois disponible et un nom avec lequel nous pourrions vivreincredible

  16. In a moment of inspiration, we think of a name

Websites have become so integrated into our daily lives that it is better to change the name of the company to match an available domain than to choose a low-quality domain. Through this process, I almost always end up with a completely different name than I had initially planned.

I recently had the experience of a perfect company name but a name that was impossible to use on the internet. I bought shares in a friend's company to take care of what I do best, marketing. He wanted to launch a website called "health passport" for a product only available on the Swiss market.

The domain passeport-sante.ch was available.

Perfect you may say? But what happens when I search "Health Passport" on Google?

Behold the mastodon! Passeport-santé.net has over 31 million monthly visitors, part of the M6 group, in short, an unbeatable adversary.

In the event that your company name is already taken by a giant, you will never appear ahead of them. Unless you spend millions and millions on search engine optimization.

Imagine the following scenario. You have sold your product to Mr. Y and he is promoting it to his circle in this way: "the health passport is amazing, buy it!"

Mr. Y's friend does not do the research right away, but with his wife in the evening on his mobile. He types "health passport" and comes across the website of the giant.

With this kind of competition, your potential customers may never come across your product. Avoid this kind of problem and make sure to be the giant who owns the name of your company.

That is why I consider the steps "naming my company" and "buying the domain" to create a business are the same step. I try not to lock myself into a name until I own the domain.

Nous avons élaboré un guide détaillé sur l’achat de domaines iciWe have developed

The good news is that the rest of these steps are a breeze once you have purchased your domain. It is the first and most difficult step in creating your website.

Step 2: Register your domain name

Very quickly, let's try to distinguish between a domain registrar and a web host.

A domain registrar is a company specialized in the purchase (registration) of domains.

A web hosting provider, on the other hand, specializes in running servers that host websites.

Chaque hébergeur essaiera désespérément de vous faire enregistrer égalementEach host will desperately try to get you to register

My philosophy is to buy things from companies specialized in a specific field. Prices will be better and so will the quality. That's why I use a domain registrar to buy domains and a hosting provider for hosting. I never mix the two.

Le meilleur registraire de domaine est GodaddyGoDaddy.comcomThe best domain registrar is

Nous avons rassemblé ici un examen détaillé des bureaux d’enregistrement de domaineWe have gathered here

Step 3: Decide on the type of site you are creating

Most guides on creating a website will push you to use WordPress. It is the most popular and flexible website builder. And it is usually a good recommendation.

But there are a few situations where I recommend different options.

Portefeuille simple ou sites «cartes de visite»

Many companies need a simple website that tells people certain things

  • À qui s’adresse l’enWhat the company doesreprise

  • Ce que faiWhat the company does l’enWhat the company doesreprise

  • Parfois, un porWhat the company doesfolio qui monWhat the company doesre du What the company doesravail

  • Who is What the company doeshe company for?

Ce type de site ne donne rien de plus à l’entrepriseSquarespace Si c’est ce dont vous avez besoin, SquarespaceThis type of website does not bring any additional value to the companySquarespace If this is what you need,

Squarespace will try to convince you that they can handle everything. It's not true.

They have created the simplest and easiest website builder possible. Really, it is a joy to use.

However, they do not have all the advanced features that an online business needs. The e-commerce functionality is extremely limited, and I do not know any serious online marketing specialist who uses Squarespace for a content site. If your business is an online business, Squarespace is not a legitimate option. You will reach the limits of its features too quickly.

Si vous savez que vous voulez une boutique de commerce électronique depuis le début, commencez sur Shopify et ignorez SquarespaceShopify Et si vous savez que vous voulez un blog ou envisagez de faire beaucoup de contenu, commencez sur WordPressIf you know that you want an e-commerce store from the beginning, start now

Squarespace is more suitable when you just need a clean and professional website that provides basic information about your business. It is perfect for small businesses, freelancers, and artists.

Voici une autre façon de penser: si vous construisez une entreprise qui ne vit pas et ne meurt pas sur son site Web, elle a juste besoin d’un site Web au cas où quelqu’un la chercherait, comme une carte de visite numérique, alors optez pour Squarespaceestimated Mais si votre site Web estHere is another way of thinking: if you are building a business that does not live and die on its website, it just needs a website in case someone looks for it, like a digital business card, then go for Squarespaceestimated But if your websiteestimatedestimated

Sites de commerce électronique

Si vous prévoyez de créer une boutique de commerce électronique pour votre site, n’utilisez pas WordPressAn entire article here on when to use WordPress for e-commerce and when not to Nous avons un article entier ici sur quand utiliser WordPress pour le commerce électronique et quand ne pas le faireIf you are planning to create an e-commerce store for your website, do not use WordPressAn entire article here on when to use WordPress for e-commerce and when not to We have

La meilleure option, de loin, est ShopifyThe best option, by far, is

Si vous suivez cette voie, nous avons un guide en 9 étapes sur la façon de créer un site Web de commerce électronique A 9-step guide on how to create an e-commerce website Nous avons également un guide sur la façon de démarrer un magasin qui génère des ventes réellesIf you follow this path, we have

Sites de blog

Si vous souhaitez créer un blog avec un tas de contenu, vous devez utiliser WordPressA detailed guide on starting blogs here Nous avons un guide détaillé sur le démarrage des blogs iciIf you want to create a blog with a lot of content, you should use WordPressA detailed guide on starting blogs here We have

WordPress alimente plus de 30% de la totalité d’InternetWordPress powers

Joomla or Drupal? Or Typepad?

WordPress left all these other platforms in the dust about a decade ago. They're not even legitimate options at this point. Choose WordPress - there is not a single situation where you will regret it.

When I started with this online thing, Drupal sites were still quite common. I partnered with a friend who is an engineer and we did a lot of freelance work migrating sites from Drupal to WordPress. Even back then, WordPress was clearly a winner.

Maintenant, quand je tombe sur un site sur l’un de ces autres outils, c’est un peu excitant. C’est comme trouver un ancien artefact. ” CelaNow, when I come across a website about one of these other tools, it's a bit exciting. It's like finding an ancient artifact

Do not use any of these other tools, stick to WordPress.

Tout le reste

If you are not sure or have a different vision for your site outside of the categories above, use WordPress. It is the most flexible platform on the market. It will do e-commerce, simple portfolios, massive content sites, Fortune 500 marketing sites, it will do everything.

You may need to customize it more than other platforms in certain situations, but you can make WordPress do what you want. And almost everyone in online marketing knows WordPress, so you can find plenty of people to help you when the time comes.

Whether you want to create your site by hand or have an online marketing agency do it for you, you should always rely on WordPress. This will shorten a large part of the programming work and give you the ability to modify basic elements on your site without having to modify any code. I have managed marketing sites for technology startups backed by companies that employed dozens of engineers - we always had our marketing site built on WordPress. It is the standard choice.

Step 4: Get a host for your website

Pour le reste de ce guide, je vais supposer que vous avez choisi WordPress pour créer votre siteOur guide on creating an e-commerce website Si vous voulez un site de commerce électronique, sautez le reste de ce guide et suivez notre guide sur la création d’un site de commerce électroniqueFor the rest of this guide, I will assume that you have chosen WordPress to create your siteOur guide on creating an e-commerce website If you want an e-commerce site, skip the rest of this guide and follow

WordPress is the tool you will use to create your website. But you also need a hosting provider that will store your site and make it accessible to anyone visiting.

Le meilleur endroit où aller pour la plupart des gens est SitegroundThe best place to go for most people is

Hosting plans typically start around $5 per month.

Step 5: Install WordPress

Presque tous les hébergeurs de sites Web ont une installation en un clic de WordPress. SitegroundAlmost all web hosting providers have a one-click installation of WordPress

If you are having trouble finding it, contact your host's support and they can guide you.

Step 6: Point your domain to your host

Let's make a brief summary...

  • Vous avez acheté votre domaine en utilisant un registraire de domaineYou have signed up for a hosting plan.

  • Vous vous êtes inscrit à un plan d’hébergementYou have signed up for a hosting plan.

  • You have purchased your domain using a domain registrarYou have signed up for a hosting plan.

You will now connect all these elements by pointing your domain to your host. Then, when users access your domain, they end up on your website.

There are a few technical settings that you need to apply. This involves configuring some name server settings on your domain registrar for your domain. Your host will provide you with the correct settings; you will be looking for their name server settings.

If you are stuck, contact your host and they will provide you with all the information you need.

Once you have the name server information from your host, access your domain registrar and configure these settings for the domain you want to point to your site. Once you're done, it will look like this:

Step 7: Install a WordPress theme

Consider WordPress as the heart of your site, it's the pumping that makes your site work.

WordPress uses themes to determine what your website looks like. This allows you to easily change the appearance of your site without having to rebuild it from scratch. Swap out your old theme for a new one and ta-da! Your design will be completely different.

These days, I buy all my StudioPress themes.

Attention, WP Engine a acheté StudioPress et inclut désormais tous les thèmes StudioPress dans ses plans d’hébergementWP Engine is a WP Engine est plus cher mais il est parfait pour les blogueurs sérieuxWP Engine is a C’est un excellent moyen d’économiser de l’argent sur votre thème si vous prévoyez de construire un grand site pour commencerWP Engine is a WP Engine est un autre de nos hôtes recommandés si vous recherchez le meilleurAttention,

Let's go back to the themes, are there any other options?

Vous betchaThemeForest ThemeForest You betcha

After purchasing a theme, access the WordPress theme settings and upload your theme. The theme settings are under Appearance in the WordPress sidebar menu. You will need to click on "Add New" and "Upload Theme" to see this download option

Go ahead and download the .zip file that you received when you purchased your theme.

After downloading it, you will also need to click on "activate" on the theme in WordPress to make it operational.

Step 8: Add content to your website

Now, the fun part - it's time to create the individual pages of your site.

You will do this in WordPress.

WordPress has two types of content: pages and posts.

Consider articles as blog posts published in a "blog" section of a website. If you are not considering creating a blog, you can completely ignore the posts.

The pages are the most permanent pages of your website. Like your About or Contact Us pages. When you first create your website, you want to put up a lot of pages so that your site is real.

Every website has a few standard pages that you need to create:

  • Page d’accueil – Votre thème WordPress a généralement des paramètres pour cette pageContact Page - Create a new page and install

  • Page de contact – Créez une nouvelle page et installez un plugin de formulaire WordPress pour pouvoir ajouter un formulaire à la pageContact Page - Create a new page and install

  • Page À propos – Racontez votre histoire et pourquoi vous avez lancé votre entrepriseContact Page - Create a new page and install

  • Pages de produits ou de services – Pour les principaux services ou produits que vous proposez, c’est une bonne idée de créer une page dédiée pour chacunContact Page - Create a new page and install

  • Homepage - Your WordPress theme usually has settings for this pageContact Page - Create a new page and install

This list will help you get started. You can always add more later.

Step 9: Keep evolving your website

At this stage, you have a fully functional website that looks great.

I'm not going to lie, there are a lot of additional configurations you can do on your site: you can add WordPress plugins that upgrade your site, create a blog, add a mailing list, increase traffic, the list is endless.

You don't have to do any of this - everything is optional. It depends on your priorities and goals.

A website is a constantly evolving thing. What it looks like after the initial creation will not be what it looks like a few months later. This is at least the case if you are actively working on and developing your website.

When you are ready, these guides will guide you through the additional tips that are worth considering

Our general vision of creating a website

Ne soyez pas confus par toutes les différentes options pour créer un site Webway to create a website Pour un examen plus approfondi de la façon dont nous pensons à ce sujet, consultez notre guide préliminaire sur la façon de créer un site WebDon't be confused by all the different options for creating a websiteway to create a website For a more in-depth look at how we think about this, check out our preliminary guide on the website

WordPress is king

Dans la plupart des cas, nous vous recommandons fortement de créer votre site Web avec WordPressIn most cases, we highly recommend creating your website with

Certains des plus grands sites Web sur Internet sont construits sur WordPressTechCrunch TechCrunch , The New Yorker , Variety et MTV NewsSome of the biggest websites on the Internet are built on WordPress

It is also the most popular blogging platform, so there are hundreds of thousands of smaller websites that use WordPress.

WordPress est utilisé par 33,4% de tous les sites Web et a une part de marché du système de gestion de contenu de 60,3%WordPress is used by 33market share of the4% of all websites and has a 

A large part of our content is focused on WordPress because we use it for all of our websites except for e-commerce.

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