Eliott Dupuy

How to improve your email engagement?

Do you know how to create an email list? Actually, creating one is one thing, getting subscribers to engage is another! Maybe you are already sending regular newsletters to your subscribers. That's good already..

But are you using the right approach? To help you see more clearly, I will discuss these few points:

  • the type of content to send to subscribers;

  • Some tips to make emails attractive

  • Regular updates to your subscriber lists.

1. Have a clear goal in mind

Let's assume that you already have a list and you send emails regularly. But tell me, when you send these emails, do you have a clear goal in mind?

Know that if you have managed to build a list of subscribers, it means that you are truly doing something that pleases people (at least, your subscribers). They have therefore signed up for your newsletter to receive updates from you from time to time.

However, this is no reason to spam their inbox with useless things. If you have nothing interesting to say, do not insist on sending emails!

What you need to do, on the other hand, is to ask yourself the right questions. For example, ask yourself: for what reasons would I want to send an email to my subscribers? Do this before each send.

Sometimes, the answer to this question is quite obvious: "well, I want to promote such and such a product!" However, you are not going to do any promotion before every message, are you?

Furthermore, for each newsletter, one objective is enough! An email containing multiple pieces of information at once may indeed lead your subscribers to confusion. But the real question is: what kind of objective should you set for yourself?

Here are some examples:

  • to encourage subscribers to download a document;

  • to sell a product;

  • to offer a service;

  • to drive traffic to your landing page;

  • to invite subscribers to an event

  • to encourage people to share your content.

2. Give importance to the subject

The most common, but the most serious mistake people make is neglecting the subject of their email! They are so focused on the content of the email that they forget to take care of the subject.

In such cases, only two minutes are devoted to the subject, which is not sufficient! Moreover, here are some examples to avoid:

  • Just a newsletter

  • Weekly update;

  • Message from our company.

If you receive a message like this in your inbox, is there any chance that you will read the content? I don't think so... So, what's the point of carefully crafting a long message that won't even be read?

The key to a high email open rate lies in its subject line. Put yourself in the shoes of your subscribers, and think of a word (or group of words) that could pique their curiosity. For example: ask a question that will only be answered by reading the entire message.

3. Personalize the email

A personalized email (and subject) is much more likely to be read by many more subscribers! For this, you can write the recipient's name in the email: hello [person's name]..

Preferably, use the first person (I). This way, your subscribers will understand that the message comes directly from you, and not from a robot. At the end of the email, sign with your name.

In fact, message personalization is a very effective technique to engage in a first conversation. So, expect to receive feedback, sooner or later. In the meantime, keep refining your emails!

Moreover, you are not at all obliged to send the same thing to all your subscribers. Why not segment the list according to their behavior in receiving your emails (and many other criteria)? It is even recommended!

From the first subscription of subscribers to your newsletter, give them the choice. Let's take an example: you sell sports equipment. Obviously, you address several topics related to sports on your blog.

Therefore, let your future subscribers choose the type of sport for which they would like to receive regular updates.

4. Define a specific call to action

Yes, even the call to action present in emails should be studied. When you think about it, make sure they are related to the goal you have set for yourself.

Suppose that your goal is to encourage subscribers to download a file. In this case, write a call to action that is suitable. It must be clear enough! On the other hand, if the goal is to promote an event that you are organizing (or organized by someone else), the call to action should be a link that directs subscribers to the event in question.

5. Be professional

It is true that your subscribers should feel close to you. However, you must show professionalism, and demonstrate it in your emails. Therefore, avoid jargon as much as possible. This could harm your image.

Before sending each email, check for any possible errors (grammar, spelling, typography, etc.). If there is a mistake, your subscribers may think that you are not professional, that your company is not trustworthy...

To make things easier for you, here's a secret: use correction software. Antidote is an example. Otherwise, you can always hire a professional!

If you decide to take care of it from A to Z, from writing to proofreading, do this: read the email out loud. This way, errors will be easier to detect. Finally, ask a close friend to read it; another opinion is always welcome.

6. Tell a story

Even in email writing, storytelling is necessary. Thanks to it, you will increase your sales for sure! In fact, the more enjoyable an email is to read, the more power it has over its recipients.

Don't hesitate to spice up the email, for example by talking about yourself, your experience. And if you want to state facts, don't just list them. Instead, create a story and make it engaging.

7. Make exclusive offers

Do you like receiving gifts? Surely, yes. Who wouldn't appreciate such a gesture? All this, to tell you that in your email, you can offer them something.

By doing this, you automatically attract their attention. Also, they will be grateful for what you are doing for them, so they are likely to be loyal to you. As a result, they will be happy to receive your emails regularly and will not unsubscribe from your list.

You can also expect more reactions from them: reacting to one of your call to action, at the very least. If you ask them to share your content, they will think to themselves: "why not? It will only cost me a few seconds! Also, it's the least I can do".

But what gift will you offer? That is the question... There are many ideas, among which: organizing a live event. Give the privilege to your subscribers (only them) to attend it.

Take example from Matthew Barby. What did he do? He created a WordPress plugin and then sent it to his list of subscribers. Non-subscribers, on the other hand, had to wait for the official release of the plugin in order to use it.

8. Offer them convenience

When writing an email, do not come across as rigid. In other words, give them the option to choose. When you send them an email to let them know that a new article is available on your site, offer them the option to choose the format of the publication.

For example, ask them to choose between:

  • to receive it in PDF version

  • to receive it in audio version.

But this is just one example among many others.

9. Write a short and impactful email

Know that you are not the only one sending emails to your subscribers. Day after day, they receive about ten (whether personal or professional emails). That's why you need to stand out from the others!

Avoid simple promotional emails that encourage them to buy your product or read the content of your blog. They probably receive a lot of emails like this. They even get tired of these emails.

Try to pique their interest by sending them truly interesting content. You don't necessarily need to send them links or ask them to respond.

On the other hand, all you have to do is to be inspired by Bernadette Jiwa's model. She is none other than a professional in storytelling. In general, she sends short but impactful emails!

10. Showcase your strengths

Don't forget that you still need to put yourself forward (of course, without overdoing it) ... In doing so, don't write down everything you have on your mind. Only the main points are enough.

For example, if you were thinking of keeping your subscribers informed about one of your latest articles (which is also interesting), you just have to follow these previous recommendations.

On the other hand, you can also give them an overview of the most popular articles on your website, at a given time (this is valid for your best-selling products).

Regarding this, Quora regularly sends an email to its subscribers mentioning the most frequently asked questions during the week.

11. Respect your subscribers

Creating a close relationship with subscribers is the dream of every entrepreneur, isn't it? But it is difficult, we all know that! In fact, some think that such a relationship is impossible.

Subscribers, on the other hand, could see you as just another one of those many entrepreneurs who are only interested in business. Especially since the interaction is only done virtually, through email.

If you agree with this, it's high time to set things straight! How to do it? Show them that you respect them. If you are looking for someone for any position within your company, why not inform them?

This is what Ramit Sethi did, by the way. By showing them that you trust them, that you are sure they are competent, you automatically show them respect. You will then break the barrier that may have been established between you, following the false ideas received about the relationship between entrepreneur/blogger and subscribers.

12. Do not fall into the curse of knowledge

The curse of knowledge is an old concept which suggests that it is difficult to understand less informed people. Bloggers are often victims of such reasoning.

Suppose you have written various articles on a particular topic, and have been doing so for years. On their part, the readers should be as informed as you. Thinking this way, you will be inclined to overestimate them. You then dismiss the idea of sending them a certain "guide" on the blog topic.

But do not be fooled by this trap. Simply operate differently, perhaps by using automated responses correctly. Indeed, use a list of automated responses.

Here is an example, to make things concrete:

  • First list: it is dedicated to new subscribers. It contains all the topics that these subscribers should know, to which they should refer to stay informed of everything you will address soon.

  • Second list: it is dedicated to all subscribers.

13. Capture their attention

Do you know why popular TV shows are so successful? One of the main reasons for this is because at the end of each episode, a preview of the next episode is announced in a way that captures the viewers' attention.

Similarly, Brian Dean tends to announce in his email the subject of his future email. By using this method, you will also increase your click-through rate. However, it requires advance planning.

14. Make sure to send emails to subscribers who genuinely want to hear from you

What's the point of having multiple subscribers if they don't even take the time to read your emails? Keep an eye on the open rate of your campaigns, and act accordingly!

If you have a very low open rate, maybe it's time to change your approach? Be more convincing in your emails, and make them more attractive than usual.

Above all, if you want to make sure that your subscribers are truly interested in what you publish, avoid buying subscriber lists. Instead, try to group them naturally, so that they sign up voluntarily.

When signing up, give them the choice. Let's take the example of HubSpot. The team will let you choose between: receiving newsletters per day, per week, per month...

15. Monitor your subscribers

What should you be watching for, exactly? Several criteria should be taken into account: satisfaction level, habits, etc. To successfully complete this step, here is the best solution: ask for their opinion.

At the same time, you show them your attention, you show that you care for them. Far from them, the idea of ​​unsubscribing from your subscriber list if you do this.

To save time, conduct a survey. Once ready, you just have to send it by email to your subscribers. Some help wouldn't hurt, right?

Prepare the questionnaires

Do not limit yourself to a single questionnaire. It would be best to establish several, according to the situation of each of your subscribers:

  • the recent products they have just purchased on your site;

  • the perception they have towards your website, your business;

  • their interaction with customer services;

  • and many others..

Try to determine, following these surveys, the problems that your customers and prospects are facing. Only in this way will you be able to uncover solutions to improve your services.

Take action!

Now that you have an idea of the purpose of this survey, it's time to get down to business. To start, choose a suitable online platform.

As one of the most widely used survey tools, SurveyMonkey is both easy to use and free! If you don't feel comfortable with its interface, you can always use other platforms:

  • SurveyPlanet

  • Google Forms

  • eSurvey..

However, let's continue this guide with SurveyMonkey.

Create an account on SurveyMonkey

Either you sign up using your Facebook or Google account, or you create a new username using your email. Speed is of the essence, which is why the first alternative would be welcome! What do you think?

Select a format

What suits you best: choosing a format from existing ones, or creating your own custom design? Either way, the pre-existing designs all reflect professionalism.

If you select one of the previously proposed formats, all you have to do is import the questionnaires. Otherwise, a question bank is also available in the interface.

Collect the responses of your clients

Now, let's move on to sharing! To do this, click on collect responses.

It is worth noting that you have the possibility to expand your targets. Indeed, you can send the survey to other people, other than your list of subscribers. This is also another way to gain other followers/subscribers.

Therefore, distribute the form in:

  • Your website

  • Your social media accounts: change it up. Instead of sending promotional messages, send this form there. This way, you remind your followers that some of them are not yet subscribed to your mailing list.

Also, something people love (especially on social media): expressing their opinions. By posting the form, you give them the opportunity to do so!

  • your mobile applications.

Show gratitude

Once they have answered your questionnaire, do not leave them hanging! The least you could do is to thank them for the time they have spent on you.

Moreover, take this opportunity to invite those who are not yet registered to your subscriber list to sign up. To encourage them a little, give them something in return. Offer them a gift, a discount, among other things. It must be tempting enough!

Use the results correctly

Lead the necessary changes. If subscribers have thought that you are not offering enough promotions, the solution is very simple: organize them often! Sometimes, a change in tactics is necessary.


A list of subscribers alone will not serve you anything. Use it to your advantage by scheduling regular email campaigns. However, your emails, in turn, must be well-written (as well as the subject line).

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