Eliott Dupuy

8 secrets to optimize your Instagram account

Use your social networks if you want to make a name for yourself on the web. Instagram is one of the best? In just one month, it welcomesMore than 25 million visitors, or 7.3 million per day Isn't it a good reason to take care of your image on this network? Show that you are one of themthe fiercest and most magnanimous of all societies that surround you! But how? Here it is8 tips to optimize your Instagram account.

1. Take the time to choose your theme carefully

Focusing on a single theme is just as important in creating a website as it is in creating a social network. What should you do if you are interested in a variety of things? It might be best to open multiple Instagram accounts. However, it would be a waste of time if you don't actually dedicate yourself to each one. For occasional posts, stories can work well. These are ephemeral posts that will disappear after 24 hours. Just make sure not to stray too far off topic.

Once you have the theme in mind, all you have to do is fill out your profile in order to optimize your Instagram account. Perhaps you already have a Facebook account. If that's the case, they both need to be consistent, meaning: same business category (edit profile > category > business information). Finally, don't forget to think about your target audience. Will the subject of your account really interest them? To make sure it does, make sure your posts provide real added value to them (I will address this topic further in this article).

2. Upload a clear profile photo

If you are signing up on Instagram for the first time, you will now be asked to enter your profile picture. It should reflect who you are or what you do, without even needing to roar like a lion to announce your presence. Either a picture of yourself or your brand logo is recommended. Indeed, logos are very practical. With them, you can easily stand out from others.

To boost your Instagram, your profile picture should be of high quality, meaning it should not be pixelated or undersized. The goal is for it to be clearly visible, both on mobile and desktop. In this regard, the exact dimension of a profile picture on Instagram is At least 150 x 150 pixelsAn image of larger dimensions will still not harm your account; Instagram will automatically resize it for you.

3. Foolproof Instagram tip: create a name that attracts

With a name that attracts, it will be easier to catch a prey (a client) in your jaws. What more could you ask for? So, if you have the chance to choose a brand new name, take the time to do it well (it could be your real name, your brand name, etc.). Then, make sure that the name that appears in search results is actually the one you have chosen, not the username. This way, your clients will have no trouble finding you on Instagram. Visibility guaranteed!

Optimizing your Instagram account is not limited to just having an attractive name. It may not necessarily make you stand out. It is time to..roll up your sleevesand add the most searched keywords in your field to your name. For example: Lionscreative "SEO agency" The keyword added to the brand name here is: SEO agency. By doing this, if your potential clients search for something related to your field, you have a chance to appear in search results. The only thing left is to know how to find the right keywords. Put yourself in the shoes of your future followers. What are they likely to type as a keyword in the Instagram search bar to find you? What hashtags? Etc.

If possible, add emojis to your name. This gives a warm touch to your world, so much so that others will fall in love with it. They won't hesitate for a second to follow you.

4. Talk about yourself in a few lines

In order for people to come to you, you must show them the way! After all, how will your prospects know what you do and trust you if you don't reveal your strengths to them? Hence the need to fill out the description properly. It would be preferable to do this on a computer, rather than on a smartphone. You will then be more comfortable when adding specific elements (custom font, quote, slogan...). Also, you can better space out the description by adding line breaks, emojis, etc.

There are no words to waste, only a few lines are granted to you in the description section. So, here is our Instagram tip: only put the essentials; in a short sentence, try to answer the question: why are you present on Instagram?

Don't forget: keywords are your best friends here. A description without keywords is absolutely worthless. The concept remains the same: keywords and hashtags are put in place so that your audience can easily understand what you do. They must also reflect your strengths... To help you, observe the accounts of other brands (especially those that operate in the same field as you). Far from the idea of blindly copying them. To optimize your Instagram account, all you have to do is draw inspiration from them and remain unique.

5. Let subscribers contact you

Your contact details are valuable on Instagram, so don't forget to mention them in the "communication options" section. They will automatically appear on your bio (phone number, email address, postal address...).

6. Make a call to action

On Instagram, the places where you can roar Links are limited, meaning the places where you can integrate links are limited. So, take advantage of the small space offered in your biography to insert a link to other sites: Yelp, Eventbrite, or others... Maybe it's for a reservation, for buying a ticket, etc. For larger accounts, it is possible to add links in stories (this may motivate you to work even more on your Instagram account).

However, these links will be of no use if you cannot convince your subscribers to click on them. Hence the importance of writing a bio with an impactful and natural call to action! A simple word could do the trick. Adding a call to action button could also be a good idea. To do this, you just have to go to the communication options, then click on add a call to action button. It will appear below your biography.

7. Feed your profile

Instagram is the social network where visual content reigns! It is important to pay attention to everything you publish on it, but not only that. First, plan your posts so that they are consistent. The goal is tobecome the kingBecome popular thanks to likes and comments. Only then can you get more traffic, and therefore, boost your Instagram. The more traffic there is, the better the account is referenced.

What kinds of visuals should be published to optimize your Instagram account? Preferably, clear and bright photos are more admired on this network. However, should we settle for royalty-free images? Not necessarily, rest assured. Create your own photo base. Whenever the opportunity arises (travel, visit to a new place, etc.), make the most of the moment! You don't have to be a photography expert for this. Get inspired by successful Instagrammers. How do they frame their photos? What filters do they use? Etc.

The most successful publications on Instagram are those that inspire users (quotes, customer reviews, etc.). Originality will help you climb the ranks quickly. So, it's up to you to show creativity!

8. Instagram tip: don't stop engaging with your account

Are you interested in big clients? If so, thenStop hiding your clawsAfter optimizing your Instagram profile, it's time to take it to the next level:Hunting for clients.. Animate your Instagram profile as often as possible. To start, build relationships with other Instagram users, especially those who are experts in the field and who operate in the same niche as you. Simply search for them using the Instagram search bar. Then, get noticed by tagging their account in some of your posts. The rest will come naturally: interactions. In return, you should like and comment on their photos.

As for your subscribers, show them attention. If they comment on your photos, respond to them. It is the only way to increase their engagement rate. Especially since it won't even take much of your time. If you leave them unanswered for days, or even weeks, they may unsubscribe.

So, to conclude, take note of this summary (the 8 secrets for a well-optimized Instagram profile):

  • Select the theme in which you operate

  • Sign up on Instagram

  • Insert a professional profile photo

  • Choose a name that will interest your target audience

  • write a short and concise description

  • Insert your contact information

  • make a call to action

  • Post regularly on Instagram

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