Eliott Dupuy

What is the best WordPress booking plugin?

Si on vous demande de choisir entre WordPress et Wix, lequel choisiriez-vous comme meilleur système de gestion de contenu (CMS) ?

Mais avant, que signifie système de gestion de contenu But first, what does it mean

I'll explain to you: before, it was necessary to master programming languages ​​(HTML, CSS, Javascript ...) to build websites, web pages. Times have changed, and now, even those who do not know how to "code" are able to create websites. How?

They use a content management system (also called CMS)...

It is thanks to this system that you will be able to build a website and then publish content online. Mastery of a programming language is not necessary!

Now, besides WordPress and Wix, there are many content management systems. They are suitable for different types of people depending on their technical skills. So, if you are not skilled enough in a particular language, and yet, you choose the wrong content management system, you risk losing a lot of time and money.

D’ailleurs, c’est pour cette raison que j’ai décidé de vous écrire ce guide10 content management systems Je vous ai listé 10 systèmes de gestion de contenusMoreover, it is for this reason that I have decided to write this guide for you10 content management systems I have listed for you

Les 10 meilleurs systèmes de gestion de contenu

I know a lot about this because I have been managing content for several years! I have not only relied on my experiences; I have also conducted more in-depth research on this subject, so don't worry at all.

#N°1 – WordPress- Meilleur système de gestion de contenu en général

– Plateforme CMS gratuite
– Plus de 55 000 plug-ins
– Entièrement personnalisable
– Parfait pour les sites à fort contenu
Essayez gratuitement

More than a third of the entire Internet is powered by WordPress. You will have understood: it is the most popular CMS platform in the world! In fact, more than 60 million people around the world trust it.

It is suitable for beginners as well as experienced users. All the tools integrated into this content management system are comprehensive; they generally allow you to create, edit, manage, and publish content on the web.

In addition, it is both free and open source! You will also have the possibility to customize it according to your needs and those of your clients. To do this, simply use plugins (You will have the choice among the 55,000 existing plugins).

Regarding this, I have already written various guides about plugins:

However, you need to know that there are two versions of this content management system:

  • WordPressWordPress.org.com

  • WordPressWordPress.org.com

What sets them apart from each other?

Avec WordPress.com, vous pouvez créer un site web gratuitement en utilisant un sous-domaine WordPress. Vous pourrez alors avoir un nom de domaine gratuit.

(Mais si vous avez déjà un budget pour l’achat de domaine, avez-vous déjà pensé à la meilleure manière d’acheter un nom de domaine ? Mais encore, chez quel bureau d’enregistrementBut if you already have a budget for purchasing a domain, have you ever thought about the

Certainly, free domains are not recommended; they are simply not suitable for businesses. The only positive point with these types of domains is that you won't have to worry about hosting.

Le choix de l’hébergement d’un site web étant un véritable travail également ! Savez-vous que j’ai réussi à lister les meilleurs hébergements bon marché du web ainsi que les meilleurs hébergements cPanel et meilleurs hébergements VPSThe choice of website hosting

I therefore recommend WordPress.org! In fact, I use it for each of my websites. Although you should take the time to choose the right web hosting, I promise you it's worth it.

La plateforme est conviviale, sécurisée et très adaptée pour le SEO d’un site webSEO of a website Si vous projetez de créer un blog The platform is user-friendly, secure, and very suitable for

I will not lie to you, you will need to do some research (if you are a beginner); however, it remains easy to manipulate. In just a few hours, you will perfectly understand how it works. If you are more experienced in web development, know that it will be possible for you to customize this content management system using codes.

#2 – Wix – Meilleur constructeur de sites web pour les débutants

– Créateur de site web par glisser-déposer
– Parfait pour les débutants
– À partir de 13 dollars par mois
– Garantie de remboursement de 14 jours
Essayez gratuitement

To be honest, Wix is a website builder. It is therefore different from a real content management system (CMS). However, it does have components and applications that allow it to be used as a content management system.

For beginners who want an all-in-one solution to create a website from scratch, Wix will be a top choice to consider. With Wix, you can create a website, edit your content, and publish everything online without having to write a single line of code.

Even if you don't have any skills in design or development, you will only need a few minutes to publish a website.

It bears a resemblance to WordPress: it is free. Unfortunately, the free site also has a Wix subdomain. You will need to upgrade to a paid plan to remove the Wix branding and make the most of your website.

Choose between:

  • Combo – 13 $ par moiUnlimited - $17 per month

  • Illimité – 17 $ par moiUnlimited - $17 per month

  • Pro – 22 $ par moiUnlimited - $17 per month

  • Combo - $13 per month

Wix dispose d’un générateur de site intuitif par glisser-déposer, ce qui permet de modifier facilement le contenu de vos pages de destinationcreate an e-commerce website Wix n’est pas seulement adapté aux blogs, mais quand il s’agit de créer un site web e-commerce, Wix has an intuitive drag-and-drop website builder, which allows you to easily edit the content of your landing pagescreate an e-commerce website Wix is not only suitable for blogs, but when it comes to

#3 – Squarespace – Le meilleur CMS pour de beaux designs

– À partir de 12 dollars
– Idéal pour le contenu visuel
– Conceptions primées
– 14 jours d’essai gratuit
Essayez gratuitement

Are you a beginner? Don't feel like coding anything? In that case, there is also Squarespace. It is known for the beautiful websites it can offer you (design). So, for creative professionals (photographers, musicians, designers, artists...), there is no other choice! Squarespace is what you need.

That being said, this content management system is versatile. It can also be used in other fields (including restaurants, online stores, professional services, and more...).

I have not forgotten about the blog, don't worry! Squarespace is also able to create a blog. However, I think that if the blog is your main activity on the site, Squarespace is not a good idea.

It is more suitable for visual works than written ones.

Here is an overview of the plans and pricing of Squarespace CMS:

  • PerBusinesses - $18 per monthonnel – 12 $ par moiBusinesses - $18 per month

  • EntrepriBusinesses - $18 per montheBusinesses - $18 per month – 18 $ par moiBusinesses - $18 per month

  • Commerce de baBusinesses - $18 per monthe – 26 $ par moiBusinesses - $18 per month

  • PerBusinesses - $18 per monthonnel - $12 per month

The rates above are all based on an annual contract. As for the monthly plans, they are available at a higher starting price.

If you want to monetize a website, Squarespace has built-in sales capabilities with its commerce plans. So you don't have to worry about installing a third-party tool or plugin like you would with WordPress or another CMS.

Would you like to start by trying it for 14 days?

#4 – Shopify – Le meilleur système de gestion de contenu pour le commerce en ligne

– Créateur de sites web de commerce électronique
– À partir de 29 dollars
– Aucun codage requis
– 14 jours d’essai gratuit
Essayez gratuitement

Shopify est sans doute la meilleure plateforme de CMS pour les sites e-commerce ; j’ai une fois créé un article sur mon avis complet sur ShopifyShopify

En plus de son CMS, le logiciel dispose d’autres outils pour construire une marque, vendre sur les médias sociaux, proposer les ventes sur les places de marché en ligne et traiter les ventes en personne avec ShopifyIn addition to its CMS, the software has other tools to build a brand, sell on social media, offer sales on online marketplaces, and process in-person sales

Les commerces électroniques paraissent compliqués, mais je vous rassure que cette plateforme est facile à utiliser (et ce, pour tout le monde ; vous n’avez besoin d’aucune compétence en matière de codage ou de développement)E-commerce may seem complicated, but I assure you that this platform is easy to use (and this, for everyone; you do not need any coding or development skills)Shopify If you know how to use the internet, you will be able to manipulate it perfectly Si vous savez utiliser internet, vous saurez parfaitement manipuler ShopifyE-commerce may seem complicated, but I assure you that this platform is easy to use (and this, for everyone; you do not need any coding or development skills)Shopify If you know how to use the internet, you will be able to manipulate it perfectly

What else is this content management system suitable for e-commerce? Shopify allows you to easily manage all aspects of your products: define variants, track stocks, adjust prices, add weights, change the display order of products, etc.

The interface is as clean as it is streamlined. In addition to managing products, you will also have the ability to create, edit, and manage a blog, a landing page, as well as other elements of your navigation.

Here is an overview of Shopify prices:

  • De baShopify - $79 per monthe – 29 $ par moiShopify - $79 per month

  • Shopify – 79 $ par moiShopify - $79 per month

  • BaShopify - $79 per monthic - $29 per month

Why not try it for 14 days, and see if it meets your expectations or not?

#5 – BigCommerce – Le meilleur CMS pour les grands magasins de commerce électronique

• Démarre à 12$ par mois
• Fonctionnalités basiques et avancées
• Integrations customisable
• 14 jours gratuit
Obtenez 3 mois gratuits

BigCommerce is an e-commerce CMS that has been designed to adapt to any scale of e-commerce (even the largest). Like Shopify, it is an all-in-one website builder and CMS specifically designed for e-commerce sites.

This enterprise content management system allows you to easily manage thousands of products as well as other content.

BigCommerce offers specific solutions for enterprises, online wholesale stores, omnichannel commerce, and international sales.

It also does not require any experience in web development.

Here is an overview of BigCommerce plans and pricing:

  • Standard – 29,95 $ par mois

  • Plus – 79,95 $ par mois

  • Pro – 299,95 $ par mois

  • Standard - $29.95 pPlus - $79.95 per monthr month

If you are determined to use it after your free trial period (15 days), I suggest the annual subscription. This allows you to save 10% on the Plus and Pro plans. You will also get 3 months free.

So, would you like to try it for 15 days?

#6 – Joomla ! – Meilleur CMS alternatif WordPress

– Libre et open source
– Hautement personnalisable
– Utiliser plusieurs thèmes à la fois
– Support multilingue
Essayez gratuitement

Joomla is not as popular as WordPress, but the two platforms are extremely similar and are always compared to each other.

Like WordPress, Joomla is a free and open source platform. It has a steeper learning curve than WordPress, but it is ideal for creating highly customizable content. If your website is not too text-heavy, Joomla could be a better option for you.

Joomla has excellent user management tools, making it a popular choice for membership sites.

Another important feature of Joomla is the ability to use multiple themes and templates simultaneously for different pages and types of content. You will also benefit from a multilingual option (as soon as the platform is installed).

If you are not satisfied with WordPress, but you like this style of content management, try Joomla instead!

Simply know that Joomla does not have as many extensions or add-ons as WordPress. Some features need to be implemented manually. It may not be the easiest solution, but it is probably better for people with some experience in web development.

#7 – Drupal – Meilleur CMS pour la sécurité

– Gérer les types de postes personnalisés
– Contrôler les autorisations des utilisateurs
– Une sécurité solide
– Mises à jour automatiques
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Drupal is yet another free and open source content management system (CMS). It may not be as popular as WordPress and Joomla, but that doesn't mean it is not powerful.

Overall, Drupal excels in the same areas as Joomla. For example, you will have total flexibility to create and manage custom content. You will benefit from a high level of control over users and permissions. Finally, Drupal is multilingual (without the need for additional configurations).

In terms of security, Drupal is even better.

Among the main security features, we can mention database encryption, user access control, prevention of denial of service attacks, automatic updates and basic validation, GitHub partnership, security reports on information sharing and prevention of malicious data entry.

That is why banks, government organizations, healthcare facilities, and other websites that require strong security and scalability trust Drupal. If you are part of any of them, there is no other choice but Drupal.

Drupal also offers specific solutions for developers, marketing specialists, and agencies.

That being said, I only recommend Drupal for experienced users (those who are proficient in coding and web development).

#8 – Magento – Le meilleur CMS pour les utilisateurs avancés de e-commerce

– Technologie à source ouverte
– Créer un PWA pour le commerce électronique
– Plus de 250 000 utilisateurs lui font confiance
– Hautement personnalisable
Demandez une démo gratuite

Magento is unique compared to other e-commerce CMS platforms on my list. It is built from open source technology, similar to WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla.

More than 250,000 developers and advanced users around the world trust it for managing their e-commerce content.

As you will have understood from the start, it is not intended for beginners. It is mainly used by medium-sized companies and B2B organizations that need complete customization.

Another strong point of Magento is the ability to create a PWA (progressive web app) for your online store.

Magento prices are not available online. You must contact the sales team to get a quote and request a free demonstration.

Get ready though, because it's expensive. The solution for businesses is estimated at over $20,000 per year.

#9 – Adobe Experience Manager – Meilleur CMS alimenté par l’IA

– CMS hybride
– Construire à l’échelle
– La fondation Cloud-native
– Gérer le contenu transcanal
Demandez un devis gratuit

The Adobe Experience Manager site is unique compared to the rest of the list. It is a flexible hybrid CMS that adapts to different channels.

This platform helps you to quickly and effectively distribute content using a native cloud base and artificial intelligence.

What are the other benefits of using websites under this Adobe content management system?

  • Outils destinés aux développeurs

  • Gestion du contenu transcanal

  • Expériences personnalisées

  • L’évolutivité avec l’apprentissage machine

  • Tools for developers

For those of you looking to create a highly responsive customer experience, consider using Adobe Content Manager sites.

#10 – Magnolia CMS – Meilleur centre de contenu Omnichannel

– Les pools de contenu dynamique
– Conçu pour les développeurs
– Exploiter l’apprentissage machine
– 30 jours d’essai gratuit
Essayez gratuitement

Magnolia CMS has over 15 years of experience in enterprise content management. It is a CMS specialized in creating omnichannel experiences.

If you are a marketing specialist, you have probably already heard of this software; it is very popular in this field. Moreover, it is flexible, rich in features, and has a modern user interface.

With Magnolia, you can use AI to instantly find your content from any connected application. The software learns your behavior to provide you with real-time suggestions.

The additional benefits include:

Les pooSearch for content on global AIs de contenu dynamique

Recherche de contenu sur Search for content on global AI’IA mondiaSearch for content on global AIe

Le marquage inteSearch for content on global AISearch for content on global AIigent pour une taxonomie centraSearch for content on global AIisée

AssembSearch for content on global AIage automatisé

OutiSearch for content on global AIs de pSearch for content on global AIanification du contenu

Dynamic content pooSearch for content on global AIs

Magnolia supports traditional web pages, interactive applications, digital displays, web-to-print, and all digital touchpoints for content management. The software also includes campaign management features, DX architecture, and personalization. What more could you ask for?

Contact the sales team to get a quote. Take this opportunity to also request a demo and try out Magnolia for free for 30 days.

Comment trouver le meilleur système de gestion de contenu (CMS) ?

There are so many choices that you can easily get lost!

So, to help you choose the best content management system (CMS), know that only certain factors should be taken into account. This is the methodology I used to narrow down my choices to 10 in this guide.

I will explain to you what matters most so that you can find the best solution.

Type de site web

What type of website are you creating?

Some platforms are more suitable for content-rich websites (texts), such as blogs. Other CMS systems are specifically designed for e-commerce sites. There are even options available to manage custom message types, portfolios, or visual content.

Niveau de compétence technique

It is not necessary to be a developer or have coding skills to create and manage website content nowadays. There are many Content Management Systems (CMS) suited for beginners.

Beginners should opt for all-in-one CMS solutions and website builders. These will be the easiest to manage. Advanced users and developers typically choose open source software, as it gives them the most options in customizing their site.


Website creators may be easy to use, but there will always be limitations.

For the vast majority of people, this will not be a problem. But if you are looking for true customization (as I just mentioned in the previous paragraph), you will need an open source CMS platform.

That being said, not all open source CMS require technical skills. You can still take advantage of plug-ins or add-on modules to add features to your website.

So, in case you do not master coding 100%, take the time to make sure that the content management system you are about to choose has this functionality (installation of plug-ins among others).

Otherwise, you will have to find the solutions yourself or hire a developer to create them for you.

Prise en charge des formations

CMS software like Wix, Squarespace, Shopify, and other all-in-one solutions are directly supported by the platform.

But if you use open source software like WordPress or Drupal, you will need to rely on articles on the web, tutorials, and advice from the developer community. Fortunately, WordPress being very popular, online learning tools and tutorial articles are plentiful.

Do you now understand the advantage of using popular CMS?


Aucun CMS n’est vraiment gratuitdomain registration Même une solution “gratuite et open source” vous oblige à payer pour l’hébergement, l’enregistrement du domaineNo CMS is truly freedomain registration Even a "free and open source" solution requires you to pay for hosting

Make sure to evaluate these costs in advance. Understand how much it costs to add certain features to your CMS in the future, whether it be next month or next year.


What is the best CMS on the market today? WordPress is my top recommendation. It is the most popular content management system in the world, and I use it myself for each of my sites.

That being said, there are many other solutions to consider.

If you are creating an e-commerce website, there are options like Shopify, BigCommerce, or Magento. For beginners looking for an all-in-one website builder without coding, consider Wix or Squarespace. Developers and advanced users will benefit from Joomla, Drupal, Adobe Experience Manager Sites, or Magnolia CMS.

No matter your level of technical skill and your needs, you can find the best CMS software using this guide.

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