Eliott Dupuy

8 tips to get more followers on Instagram

Did you know: Instagram recently reached its 700 million users ! 100 million of them have signed up in the last four months. All this, to say that Instagram is currently the third most used social networkSo, do you feel like it?Having more followers on Instagram?

However, it is not an easy task... To achieve this, you must establish a certain routine and adopt various techniques. But first, you must be registered on Instagram. Are you already registered? If not, now is the time or never!

Indeed, know that Instagram is one of the most used means by entrepreneurs to grow their business. This is actually what inspired me to write this guide. By following these steps to the letter, you can be sure toget more followers on InstagramAnd this, even if you are just starting on the platform.

1. Respond to the questions and comments of your followers

If you already have some followers, the first thing you need to do is to build a friendship with them. To do this, engage in conversation. If they have asked you something, it is high time to respond (whether in private or in a comment).

2. Attract attention to yourself

However, if you are just starting out and do not have any followers, this is not a reason to get discouraged. Keep in mind thatGet more followers on InstagramIt is totally possible! So instead of complaining, take the first step. And by "first step", it means subscribing to other accounts.

Use the search bar to find people who are involved in areas that interest you. Then, make yourself known. But how? Don't just watch what they do, but get in the game.

Indeed, look at the photos they have posted. Choose three, for each account, and leave a comment. This way, there is no chance that these people will not notice you! To show gratitude, who knows, maybe they will react to your photos in turn? Your goal will be achieved in a few days: Getting more followers on Instagram.

3. Post at least one publication per day

What about the frequency of posting on social networks? This is a question that often arises... In reality, it depends on each social network. But in general, for Instagram, a daily post would be welcome!

If you have the opportunity to post more than once a day, nothing prevents you from doing so. It is even recommended! Then, you must maintain a constant rhythm. One thing is certain: it will help you toget more followers on Instagram.

Accounts with a large number of fans actually post multiple times a day, every day. One study conducted in 2005 Shows that accounts with 10k to 100k followers post 41 times per month, which is 1.32 times per day.

Moreover, those who have more than 10 million fans publish 95 photos per month, which is 3.06 per day. In short, the number of followers largely depends on the frequency of publication

To not miss any publicationSorry, but there is no text provided to translatedon't you think it would be better to use post scheduling platformsSorry, but there is no text provided to translatelikeHootsuiteSorry, but there is no text provided to translateLaterSorry, but there is no text provided to translateetc. ? AinsiSorry, but there is no text provided to translatevous devrez organiser à l’avance les idées de publications à poster.

4. Choose the right time to publish

Like with all social media platforms, the timing of your posts on Instagram is crucial. If you want to succeed..get more followers on Instagram, make sure to publish posts at the right time.

The visibility of the published photo stems from it. Let us explain: if shortly after its publication, a photo receives several reactions, Instagram considers it as "high quality". Thus, its algorithms will automatically bring it to the top of the news feed of your followers.

So, when should we post something on Instagram in order to..get more followers on Instagram The answer to this question is relative, as it depends on your target audience: their location, the time when they are most active..

Hubspot led a study Regarding this. According to him, at all times, from Monday to Friday, posting on Instagram is recommended, except between 3 pm and 4 pm

In 2015, Mavrck also achieved a study According to research, the best times to post on Instagram are: at midnight, at 3 pm, and at 4 pm, every Thursday, Friday, and Wednesday.

In addition, publishing between 6 am and noon, during off-peak hours, could work in your favor. At these times, few people take the time to publish. However, users check their news throughout the day

You may have noticed that the conclusions are different from one study to another. Why not conduct your own experiment to see at what time of the day you should post on Instagram (according to your targets and audiences) forGet more followers on Instagram ?

You just have to post photos at different times and then see the reactions of Instagram users. Use Excel to record the results. Take all the time you need; it may take months, but it's worth it!

5. Use more than 11 hashtags

How many hashtags do you usually use? 1, 2, or 30? We see all kinds of colors on Instagram! Some post photos without hashtags, while others use very few (1 or 2). Still others use all of their rights (30).

According to the studies conducted by TrackMaven, publications with more than 11 hashtags are very successful. These people are able tomore followers on Instagramin just a few days:

However, make sure that all the hashtags you insert are relevant! Otherwise, you risk wasting your time.

6. Search for the appropriate hashtags for each post

To ensure that your hashtags are relevant, and therefore, formore followers on Instagram Do not settle for the hashtags you have in mind. Do some research! You can do it on Instagram itself. So click on the search bar, and enter the theme on which you want to position yourself.

Many proposals will be offered to you. So make your choice! Another way to see if a hashtag is popular enough is to see the number of posts that have been published on this subject (it is written next to or at the bottom of each proposal).

In addition, you can also use other tools, one of the most commonly used being: Hash At ItDon't worry, it's easy to use! Just type the keyword in the search bar.

The search results are Instagram posts from other users, the most popular ones. You can then get inspiration from these past publications. Furthermore, if you have the opportunity, list in advance all the hashtags that concern you.

When the right time finally arrives for publication, you have a ready-made list to use. What a significant time saver! And if you are looking for other hashtag search tools, There are still several more..

7. Use the right descriptions

Few people are aware of the importance of descriptions on Instagram. If you too have thought that Instagram descriptions are unimportant, change that viewpoint immediately. It will not help youmore followers on Instagram.

From now on, you must carefully write these descriptions. Just be creative! Sometimes, a little bit of humor can make all the difference! In other circumstances, it may not be appropriate.

8. Follow 3 other accountSorry, but there is no text to translateSorry, but there is no text to translate

Once again, for more followers on InstagramDo not stand idly by waiting for people to follow you. Take action on your side, that is to say: follow accounts. After a few days, you will succeed in gaining some quality followers (if they subscribe to your account in return) if you follow at least 3 per day.

Preferably, choose influencers. Any reaction from them could bring you a lot! Similarly, you will always be on the lookout for new trends in your field of activity.


In conclusion, here are the 8 main steps that you must go throughMore followers on Instagram:

  • Respond to comments and any potential messages

  • Post at least three comments for each account you follow

  • Post at least once a day

  • choose the right time to publish

  • For each post, use at least 11 hashtags

  • Take the time to choose the hashtags carefully

  • Take care of the description for each publication

  • Subscribe to various accounts (3 new accounts every day)..