Eliott Dupuy

Best website fonts to make you stand out in 2024

Do you dream of having a beautiful website? Obviously, everyone with a website dreams of it; you are surely one of them! So, you must consider several criteria, even the smallest ones.

As is often said: the small details often make all the difference. And by small details, in this context, we are referring to the typographies of websites. But how is this possible? That is the question!

See for yourself... Before continuing reading, visit different websites. Look closely at the fonts used, and notice that there is a big difference. It's not about seeing the beauty of the fonts, but about their practicality, the effect they give you..

But how to choose thebest website fonts in 2021?Such is the question... I will share with you some of them in this guide.

Why is it important to pay a lot of attention to the design of your website?

Simply put, because they have a significant impact on internet users. In fact, a study on the subject was conducted in 2012 by Errol Morris. By publishing an article in the New York Times, he used different fonts. The topic was about insecurity.

In fact, Errol Morris asked some questions, the answers to which did not interest him at all. However, his study focused specifically on the behavior of readers when faced with the fonts used: Baskerville, Computer Modern, Georgia, Trebuchet, Helvetica, and Comic Sans.

Over 40,000 people participated in this experiment without knowing it. Their responses were clearly influenced by the fonts! Similarly, they also impact onthe credibility of your website.

The best website fonts in 2021that go together

Don't you find that having only one type of font for a website is not "fun" enough? At least, it is recommended to use two fonts. However, do they go together?

To answer this, let's take a few examples of font combinations. You can draw inspiration from them when choosing the fonts for your future website, or for that of your client.

There are several platforms for downloading free fonts on the internet. ButGoogle Fontis one of the most popular

Open Sans and Roboto

These two fonts are part of thebest website fonts in 2021that go well togetherI am sorry, but you have not provided any website content to be translated into English. Please provide the content so I can assist you furtherUseOpen Sans semi-boldAs a title, andRoboto regularfor the paragraphsI am sorry, but you have not provided any website content to be translated into English. Please provide the content so I can assist you furtherThe reverse is also possible, but in this case, it would be best to opt for aRoboto mediumand oneOpen Sans regular.

What do they have that others don't, you ask? For one, these fonts are very vibrant. They are also readable! So try it: their combination helps to add real value to the homepage of your site.

Playfair Display and Montserrat

What kind of website are you looking to create? If it's a website that doesn't require a lot of written content (such as an e-commerce site), then welcome this couple: Playfair DisplayandMontserrat.

The Playfair Display font is used for the title, while Montserrat is used for product descriptions. It is true that they are very well suited for all e-commerce websites. However, for certain themes, they are more appropriate for fashion. Indeed, they are light, elegant, luxurious fonts...

But... try reversing roles and putting theMontserratAs a title and Playfair Display as a description. Everything is changing! It's like you're promoting a video game. Indeed, an inverted combination of the two fonts changes everything: it becomes more futuristic, more technical..

Lora & Alegreya

Loraand Alegreya, two of thebest website fonts in 2021will give your site a friendly and warm look! In this case, putLoraas a title or subtitle for images..

Notice thatHappyis nice to look at. However, this font is not very convenient for long texts. That is why it should be used for small product descriptions, and definitely not for long blog articles!

Do not insist on using itHappypour vos articles de blog. Si vous tenez tant à cette police, je vous conseille d’inverser les polices (Lora pour les longs contenus et Happypour les titres). Ne vous inquiétez pas, cela n’entraîne pas un grand changement.

Merriweather and Lato

Have you created your website for professional reasons? In that case, Merriweather and Lato will be your allies! As popular as they are, they are also versatile. Indeed, they are suitable for all themes.

In addition, the Merriweatheris as modern as it is attractive. Imagine the impact it gives when followed by SummerReliability, that's the effect achieved! Thus, they are perfectly suitable for the home pages of professional websites.

Amatic SC and Josefin Slab

TheAmatic SCand theJosefin Slabhave also been electedBest fonts for website 2009For this case, it would be better to put theAmatic SCen gras, and theJosefin SlabBut wait, as always, which website are you going to put online?

Once again, this font combination is not suitable for all types of websites. Only art-related sites are concerned: music, painting, photography... But for the site to be breathtaking, here's a tip: keep it airy. For this, the background color should be light. It should not be filled with a long block of text either.

Cinzel & Raleway

Are there fonts that give a "bold" effect? Fortunately for those looking for it, there is one: Cinzel. Each letter is written in uppercase. It is therefore normal to encounter it in short texts.

It is often accompanied byRalewayWe often encounter them on websites that talk about recipes. If you decide to use them, follow this advice, you won't regret it: thecinzel blackwill be placed on the main menu; the titles of the recipes, inDesignAs an expert SEO, translate this website content into `English`. the text : **bold**. the translated text: **bold**and the remaining texts, in EnglishRalewaynormal

You also have the option to switch these fonts, it won't make much of a difference.

PT Sans Narrow and PT Sans

Last but not least, there are PT Narrow and PT Sans. By opting for this combination, you will make your life much easier. Indeed, they are suitable for any type of website, regardless of the topic discussed.

And if you think that the fact that they are classic means that they are also boring, think again! On the contrary, by using them on your home pages and landing pagethey give a warm and friendly welcoming effect!

How to choose the best website fonts

Now that you are unaware of the listbest fonts for website in 2021, all that's left for you to do is choose one, based on the following criteria:

  • The website page where fonts are meant for: blog, homepagelanding pageNavigation menu, product description...;

  • the theme addressed on the site: building, fashion, digital...;

  • your targets;

  • the contrast between websites (on this subject, know that a web page should contain only two different fonts - three at most.


Fonts play a very important role within a website. That's why you should now avoid standard fonts, those that won't help you stand out. In this guide, I have given you 7 examples of these combinations, which are for me the best fonts, namely:

  1. Open Sans and Roboto

  2. Playfair Display and Montserrat

  3. Lora & Alegreya

  4. Merriweather & Lato

  5. Amatic SC and Josefin Slab

  6. Cinzel & Raleway

  7. PT Sans Narrow & PT Sans