Eliott Dupuy

Effective marketing strategy for businesses

The success of a company relies entirely on its marketing strategy. While others still rely on traditional methods, those who carefully study their strategy achieve great success. It is true that this study is not easy. But for it to be effective, you must meet a certain number of conditions: 7 effective marketing strategies for your business.

1. Target Audience

The target market is none other than: the people to whom you will sell your products or offer your services. Let's say you plan to sell clothes. You must therefore define the typical profile of your future consumers, in other words "persona Their gender (male or female), their age (adult or child), the type of clothing (sportswear or formalwear, the type of sport or type of event), etc. The more criteria you consider, the more specific your targets will be, and the more you create an effective marketing strategy for your business.

2. Market research

  • The needs of your targets

You mustCheck if your products or services meet the expectations of your target audienceSurveys can greatly help you. In addition, give some of them the privilege of trying out your product for the first time. This will allow you to collect feedback on the product in question. All that's left is to improve the product based on these comments.

However, if your project involves improving existing products, those already used on the market, the procedures will be carried out in a different way. Instead of starting with surveys and tests, focus your efforts on comparing the product with the old version.

  • The competition

No matter what your field of activity is, you will always have competition. And to outperform others, the best effective marketing strategy for your business is none other than analyzing what they are doing. This is where you will need it the most SWOT.

Analyze the good elements: thetargets, campaign, means used to achieve goals, mistakes... of the competitionOnce this study is done, take inspiration from it. Use their strengths and avoid making their mistakes.

  • The budget

All effective marketing strategies for a company come at a cost. Make sure not to overdo it. That's why before doing anything, you need to set a budget. Be precise in your calculations.

3. The promotion

To make yourself known, you need to promote your business (locally or internationally, as you wish). The simplest way to do this is to create a website. If you promote it correctly, prospects will automatically come to you. All that's left is to convert them into customers. In general, well-written newsletters work very well.

Also, you must be present on social networks. There are many of them, but sign up and be active on the most well-known ones. You can also analyze it Social network on which your target audience is most active and act accordingly. If you still don't know how to proceed, you can take inspiration from the 15 brands that have already proven themselves on Instagram. Otherwise, hiring a community manager is also a very good idea. Furthermore, with social networks, you have the choice between using paid advertisements or sticking to organic traffic (that is, natural). Your choice should obviously depend on your budget.

4. Regular publications

A website should be dynamic. You must regularly publish content on it (blog articles, news, infographics...), while considering your target audience. The important thing, at the beginning, is to publish at least once a week. Over time, increase the frequency to two to three times. And if you choose blog articles, make sure they are of quality and SEO optimized.

5. Sending regular emails

Make sure that your website has a subscription form for your mailing list. It should also be easy to fill out. Don't just say "feel free to subscribe to our newsletter." Instead, create a more engaging call-to-action statement!

Moreover, to ensure the registration of those who are interested, why notOffer an attractive offer in return for a subscription Now that you have some subscribers, the adventure finally begins! If you have promised to send emails regularly, keep this commitment. This will retain your customers, and also convert your prospects into customers. Make sure that the emails are interesting and of high quality.

6. Potential influencers

The help of others, especially influencers, would be welcome! Many advantages will then be on the agenda, the most important of which is brand reputation Strengthened. You just need to know how to find influencers in your field online influencer search platforms not missing!

7. A test

Before continuing down this path, you must be sure that your marketing strategy is truly effective. To do this, use Google AnalyticsIt will inform you on: the origin of your traffic, conversion rate, engagement of your subscribers, etc. Regarding email campaigns, there are other tools like SendiBlue, Mailchimp... For this case, you should focus on these data: open rate, click-through rate, bounce rate, and unsubscribe rate. These analyses aim at the continuous improvement of your effective marketing strategy.

As we have seen so far, implementing an effective marketing strategy takes time. Expecting huge success overnight would therefore be demotivating!Show more patience, after a few months, you will reap the desired results.

In conclusion, if you want your company to excel in what it does, you must find the right marketing strategy! We have just discussed 7 tips that can help you, namely:

  1. a study of the target audience;

  2. market research;

  3. the promotion of your business

  4. regular publication of content;

  5. the regular sending of newsletters;

  6. searching for potential influencers;

  7. A first test..