Eliott Dupuy

What are the blog topics that will make your blog popular?

To become known on the internet, the first thing to do is to create a blog. But before that, you will have to look for a popular blog topic to address. Not only will this increase your visibility, but it will also allow you to make money through blogging more easily. However, finding a blog theme is not the easiest task. That is why I have decided to write this guide for you: what are the interesting topics for a blog?

1. Popular and interesting blog topic: politics

If you have a passion for politics, you have found your new (popular) blog topic! Talk about politics! Moreover, many people are particularly passionate about this topic. Certainly, political sites are only explored during elections, but at those times, traffic is at its peak. Moreover, there are plenty of article topics to address. You will have the opportunity toWrite an article per day, or even moreHowever, caution is advised! You will likely encounter various differing opinions.

2. Product reviews

One of the safest ways to make money through a blog is to write reviews about specific products (always related to the blog's theme). Indeed, affiliate marketing works very well in this case, that is: creating links to products on Amazon.

However, do not make the gross mistake of writing a review on something you sell. It would be more difficult to give objective opinions. How to criticize products or services that you offer to visitors on your site? It would be better to write about new products; they areBlog topics that attract new visitors every day.

When writing reviews on products, don't just say what you like and what you don't like. Instead, start by describing it, providing general and detailed explanations, informing readers about its price, and stating its strengths and weaknesses.

3. Travel

Until now more than 126 million passports Passports were issued in the United States. This proves that there are many people in the world who love to travel. Isn't this a good reason to create a blog on the travel theme? Not only can you talk aboutbeautiful places and destinationsbut to delivertravel tips, good deals, andc. would also be a good idea. However, there's no need to create a special travel blog. Take examples from Todoist Blog, GoPro, and Evernote.

4. The breaking news

It is not about creating a news blog, but integrating a breaking news category into the existing blog. In doing so, you still need to pay extra attention to what is..sources Preferably, never publish news first. Otherwise, you risk disclosing sensitive informationfake newsYour blog's reputation will suffer.

5. Popular blog theme: marketing automation

All B2B companies are showing interest in marketing automation. They all want to make themselves known in order to grow better; marketing automation will be a valuable help to them. That is why it is the subject of several blog posts currently. After a few months, or even a year, these blogs all experience success.

6. Blog for gift ideas

At every event, party, celebration, or ceremony, we always break our heads to find the perfect gift for our loved ones, colleagues, etc. However, such events happen every year, month, or even week. Gift ideas blogs therefore have more advantages compared to others. As evidence, they generally have a lot of subscribers. Moreover, creating websites with the theme of a "gift idea" blog gives you the opportunity to makeAffiliate marketing.

7. Technical supports

Usually, companies thatselling high-tech products They provide this type of content related to their blog topic: technical support. If you have a similar project, take inspiration from Microsoft, Google, and Facebook. There are others, but these are among the most well-known.

8. The best of

The best of are one of the most popular blog topics. The most important thing is that there are plenty of article ideas to address on this subject; the list is not exhaustive (best of... in 2019, best of... in 2000, top 10 of... and many more). To give you an idea, visit best of blogs WatchMojo among others..

9. What to talk about on a blog about web celebrities?

Talking about others

Some people have made a name for themselves thanks to the internet, in various themes (whether it be travel, marketing automation, politics or other)Talking about these people- Having a guest post on your blog will be beneficial for you. How? You will automatically attract their fans to your site. You will also have the opportunity to establish aPartnership with these web stars..

Do interviews

To attract evSorry, I cannot provide a translation without the original text to work with. Please provide the content you would like to be translated into English. Thank you more traffic to your blog, do interviews. Try to find a well-known specialist who works in the chosSorry, I cannot provide a translation without the original text to work with. Please provide the content you would like to be translated into English. Thank you blog theme. However, if you don't want to complicate things, you can just interview differSorry, I cannot provide a translation without the original text to work with. Please provide the content you would like to be translated into English. Thank yout members of your team. Interviews are not necessarily requiredSorry, I cannot provide a translation without the original text to work with. Please provide the content you would like to be translated into English. Thank you face to face. Parfois, dresser une liste de questions qui sera Sorry, I cannot provide a translation without the original text to work with. Please provide the content you would like to be translated into English. Thank yousuite Sorry, I cannot provide a translation without the original text to work with. Please provide the content you would like to be translated into English. Thank youvoyée paragraph email is sufficient. There are various tools that can help you, but one of them:  Helparagrapheporter.com.

10. The recipes

Recipes are among the most successful blog topics! This is partly due to the fact that there are many specialties according to cities, countries... It is even possible to either customize these existing recipes, or create new ones. In this regard, know thatNew recipes continue to emerge daily on the internet.

Popular Blog Topic: On Bacons, for example

Many people love eating bacon. There are those who enjoy preparing it and those who have a certain passion for writing about it. Others also enjoy reading articles dedicated to bacon, and there are many of them. This is particularly why the Huffington Post presents a high traffic rate. However, the idea is not to compete with Huffington

on Post. On the contrary, it should be inspiring.

11. Blog tips and tricks

From daily life

People love searching for thingsPractical and useful information Online. That's why blogs offering tips and tricks for everyday life are extremely popular. In fact, Lifehacker is a perfect example of this.

For parents

The "Blogging Moms"organize conferences around the world. They provide advice on the daily life of a mother. All this to say that if you are a mom, you put all the odds in your favor to make money through blogging, by creating a blog on this subject. The same goes for fathers."

Productivity theme

Entrepreneurs are constantly looking for advice to be more productive: tools, tips, etc. However, they do not settle for just one blog that talks about productivity; different perspectives are welcome.

This is not a reason to convert the subject of your blog to productivity. Just intersperse a few articles that talk about productivity occasionally. For example, if the theme of your blog is product reviews, you can highlightthe way in which these products could help your readers to be more productive.

Michael Hyatt For example is an expert in leadership. He has a blog that talks about leadership, yet many of his articles are about productivity.

12. The answers to certain questions and beliefs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Another interesting blog topic is the FAQ. In fact, Google loves themKnowledge Graph Translated by: Knowledge Graph This proves it. This is a tool offered by the search engine to allow internet users to have easy and quick access to answers to their questions. By making FAQs the subject of a blog, you have every chance of appearing in the Knowledge Graph. However, there is no precise formula on which Google relies to determine whether a particular FAQ should appear in the Knowledge Graph.

Demystification of certain beliefs

Whatever the theme of your blog, there are certainly misconceptions that many people still believe about it. By debunking these beliefs, you can only attract more audiences to your site. And since you are knowledgeable about what you write, you are in the best position to debunk erroneous convictions on the subject.

13. Stories

By writing stories on your blog, you give it even more value. In general, bloggers who have been running a blog for a long time use this technique


There is nothing like personal stories to spice up a blog, in other words: storytelling! However, before writing the first lines of your story, know that it is an art that must be mastered. The goal is toCreate emotions in your readers: joy, surprise, etc.

Funny stories

Even on the internet, humor still finds its place! In fact, these types of publications are among the most shared on social networks. The fact is that Buzzfeed, The Onion, Clickhole, and BoredPanda are very popular.

14. Events

Charitable events

As a blogger, do not be stingy with words. Indeed, share with your subscribers what you do that is interesting. I mean "interesting", for example: charitable activities. Internet users love to read blog posts on this type of topics. Especially since you will never run out of ideas. Here are some examples of blogs of this type: KickStarter, IndieGoGo, GoFundMe, etc.

Upcoming events

Many internet users conduct daily searches for events online, whether it is an international, national, or local event. By creating a blog dedicated to upcoming events, you can be sure to attract a lot of traffic.

15. The guides

Articles tutorial

Currently, few people visit libraries to find information. It has become easier to use the internet: in just a few seconds, countless data appears. But instead of venturing onto any site, Internet users mainly prefer informative blogs such as WikiHow. I'm sure that you too have already had several opportunities to take a look. Practical and useful, this site is designed for all types of people, regardless of their age and professionThe articles written there are tutorial articles, that is to say they answer specific questions, concrete problems...

Beginner's Guide

Sometimes, you don't need to rack your brains to find something to talk about on a blog. Just talk about Something that you are passionate about or excel atIn this case, you can easily write a beginner's guide. It will even be a breeze since the topic is familiar to you! These types of guides are another way to convince others that you truly master the topic at hand. In no time, don't be surprised if you gain a high traffic rate.

A more in-depth guide

Beginners are not the only ones who need a guide. Even experts will be interested in sites that offer in-depth guides related to the blog topic. As an expert, the least you can do is to stay updated on the latest news in the relevant field! But to ensure that your blog is truly captivating, Make sure that the guide is well-detailedSupport your statements with evidencenumbers and statisticsYou must also ensure that the information you insert there isreliable And for that, draw inspiration from solid sources. Finally, during yourresearchesAs an expert SEO, you must be meticulous. By following these tips to the letter, not only will you have a lot of traffic, but at the same time, gaining backlinks will not be difficult.

Troubleshooting Guide

In general, internet users browse the web with a specific purpose in mind: find the solution to their problemAnd troubleshooting guides perfectly meet their expectations. Inside are precise answers on a specific topic.

16. Others

Organize contests related to your blog topic

In addition to long content, contests are also popular with internet users. Why not organize them from time to time?

GIFs and memes to insert in written content

Gifs and memes are not only meant for social media. They can easily be inserted into your blog articles.

Responses to comments

If you are able to write blog topics that interest your target audience, other internet users will be encouraged to link to your blog. Even better, they will not hesitate to comment on your blog posts. Currently, there are automated responders available. However, this does not mean that you are obligated to use them. In fact, there is nothing more touching than speaking with a real person. That is why it is highly recommended to respond to these blog comments as soon as possible.

In your responses, Show that you are truly interested in your subscribersAlso ensure that the conversation continues.