Eliott Dupuy

What is the best booking WordPress plugin?

If your business takes online reservations or appointments, you have no choice, you need an online booking system! Hence the necessity of aWordPress booking plugin.

When you didn't have a booking system yet, I bet you went through thislong processto your clients:

  1. He is searching for your phone number.

  2. They call you, and if they are lucky, they reach you promptly. Otherwise, they will have to wait for you to respond, or be compelled to leave a message on your voicemail.

  3. They will then explain in detail what they are searching for, and may agree to a date.

  4. You will probably have multiple conversations before agreeing on a date. Ultimately, to ensure they don't forget their appointment, your clients will still need to manually write down the date in their calendar.

However, your customers are not the only ones who are affected. On your end, you are constantlyFeeling bothered by phone calls You are no longer able to concentrate on the task at hand.

Imagine having a busy day ahead with lots of tasks to complete. You will definitely struggle to reach your goals if your phone keeps ringing after hours! Are you considering hiring someone to answer your calls?

I understand. However, I have a much better solutionInstall a WordPress booking plugin!But how do you choose among the dozens or even hundreds of plug-ins on the internet?

Let me guide you. But first, I want to point outthe importance of having a WordPress booking plug-in.

Why is a WordPress booking plugin absolutely necessary?

It's simple: it enhances your productivity. However, having such a system on your website also benefits visitors. Therefore, WordPress booking plugins optimize their experience.

Statistics have also proven their usefulness: 70% of consumers prefer to book appointments online.

Isn't it time to give them what they want by installing a suitable plug-in on your Wordpress site?

On the other hand, online booking systems are synonymous with time savings. Booking is done instantly.

You also increase your chances of getting new clients. The simpler the booking procedures are, the more people it attracts.

Finally, you stand out even more from your competitors. There are not yet many websites that implement these types of automated systems.

Here are some examples of online booking plugins for WordPress:

1. Bookly

Bookly is fully customizable and responsive. Its sleek design, both at the front and back end, easily catches the eye.

Here is an example of a use case for Bookly: suppose you are the owner of a gym. You have created a website that represents it. Several coaches work for you. Each of them offers their rate and availability on the site. With Bookly, this is completely possible.

Your clients will then have the choice between several coaches. They will select them based on their availability and rates. All of this is done through the WordPress booking plugin itself.

How do users go about it? I summarize it for you in 4 steps:

  1. Select the relevant service, with options for categories and employees, if applicable.

  2. Choose a date and time.

  3. Capture personal data (name, phone number, email address, and additional notes)..

  4. Pay...

Do you see the difference with the example I took at the beginning of this guide? The booking process is completely simplified and faster. And even if your clients need to book on your site regularly, Bookly takes care of offering them the functionrecurring reservation.

Your clients will also be able to sign up for a waiting list (in case of cancellations by others), attach files when making a reservation, and rate your services. This WordPress plugin even has a group booking function.

However, Bookly is not just a WordPress booking plugin. I will prove it to you in 4 points:

  • It can also treat thempaymentsThis feature is very convenient, especially if your website traffic is high and bookings are made by the hundred every day. Payment tracking can be complicated without a plug-in like Bookly. However, for those who are not interested, they can always provide an option for payment on the spot, on the day of.

  • It happens that we forget our appointments. Has this ever happened to you? Bookly can help with that. You will be able to configure theNotifications, as a reminder for those concerned (the staff members as well as the clients themselves)..

  • Bookly also has a feature oftranslationNo matter where your customers are, they will perfectly understand what you offer on the online booking interface.

  • The creation ofpromotion codes It is conceivable. What's more, all sales-related data is recorded, making it easy to determine which offers work best.

Bookly can only be one of the most comprehensive WordPress booking plugins you can find!

2. EDD Bookings

Not only does EDD Bookings provide standard features, but it is primarily dedicated to servicesequipment rental of all kinds: bicycles, skateboards, dishes, etc.

Tell me, I wanted to know: what kind of website do you have? Is it an e-commerce site, a blog, or a showcase site?

In fact, EDD Bookings is very suitable for e-commerce websites. In fact, if some of you are already using other EDD (Easy Digital Downloads) solutions for your site, you should seriously consider trying EDD Bookings.

Like other EDD software, this one offers simple processes:

  1. Selection of the reservation type (according to the equipment)

  2. Selection of a specific date and time

To make things even easier, you will have access to a dashboard where you can view all of your appointments. If you think that this grouping just makes everything disorganized, you are wrong. You can assign colors to each of these reservations so that it is clearer. Furthermore, all other reports and analyses that you may need about your appointments are available through this dashboard.

In case you are using other applications (such as payment gateways, mailing lists, Zapier, and Slack), EDD can easily integrate them.

Finally, on which device is it suitable? It doesn't matter: desktop computer, smartphones, and tablets; we can say that it is versatile. All of this is available at a very affordable price, which is $80 per year.

3. Booqable

Booqable is considered another comprehensive WordPress booking plugin. All you have to do is install the plugin. Once installed, it is immediately functional. All that's left to do is wait for your customers to visit your site to make their reservation.

Booqable is suitable for all types of WordPress themes.

These other features of Booqable will certainly interest you:

  • Request for a quote: If you prefer to send quotes instead of allowing customers to book directly, that's perfectly natural.

  • Product integration: The plugin is fully customizable. You can add as many products as you want; products that your customers will then book.

  • Real-time update: Time slots and stocks are closely monitored, automatically. This way, there will be no issues related to duplicates.

  • Advanced Pricing: Package or fixed fee, payment is made according to the pricing structure that you and your clients desire.

  • Customizable design: What would be the point of an online booking platform if it is not in line with the design of the website it is integrated on? It is precisely to avoid this kind of situation that this plug-in allows you to customize the design of the booking system.

  • Entrance controlthat is to say: blocking date and time slots.

  • Integrated paymentsAccepted all major credit cards: Stripe, PayPal, etc..

  • Access onMobile version

Finally, Booqable is free. If you are looking for a simple, free, and fast way to set up a booking system on your website, I don't see any other solutions.

4. Booked

The WordPress Booked reservation plugin is very simple, both for you and for your customers. In fact, complicated booking systems will simply drive customers away.

Booked stands out from its other extensions

  • Integration of payment options with WooCommerce

  • Integration of calendars with Google Calendar and iCal

  • Appointment scheduling

I told you that it is very simple. Does this mean it is suitable for beginners? That's correct. No coding skills are required.

That said, you can go beyond simple bookings:

  • Adding custom time slots (ideal for holidays and days off)

  • Access shortcuts that allow you to integrate your booking calendar almost anywhere on your site

  • Managing the calendars of other members of your team

The most interesting thing is that even visitors to your website are free to book dates. They do not necessarily need to have an account to register.

5. Booking Calendar

Booking Calendar has been around for ten years and is a top-notch solution for those working in the hospitality industry. Are you one of them? If so, there is a good chance that you are using other sites like Booking.com or TripAdvisor. Synchronization with these sites can be done through Booking Calendar, allowing you to have a real-time overview of available dates via the plug-in. One thing leads to another. So, do not worry about the risks of double booking.

Apart from booking traditional appointments (by hour), this plugin is commonly used to book entire stays in hotels, resorts, or bed and breakfasts. Not all booking plugins allow for this.

What about reservation management? It's a whole different story. However, it is included in the Booking Calendar offers.

Finally, it is multilingual, exactly what is needed for websites that interact with different countries.

6. TeamBooking

Team Booking is suitable for both teams and solo entrepreneurs.

For teams, they will greatly appreciate this extension, as it integrates easily with Google Calendar. The availability of each team member is therefore well analyzed (provided they have entered all the essential data on their online calendar).

Also, you will be able to configure multiple form fields to collect additional information about your clients.

The Team Booking has a map feature. When a client schedules an appointment, the map can display the location. All directions are displayed in real time from the client's address.

Internet security scares more than one person. It is normal for your clients to be concerned. Team Booking thought about this when they designed this WordPress booking plugin. That's why it supports PayPal and Stripe, two secure payment methods.

By the way, would you be interested in reading a guide on choosing the best security plugins for your WordPress siteI have also written others

To top it all off, Team Booking is affordable! It is available starting from $28.

7. Amelia

Amelia is known as the specialist in automated bookings!

Let me explain: let's say you are the owner of an auto repair center. Your customers want to schedule operations such as tire rotation, oil changes, brake replacement, and many others. They would certainly be delighted if they could choose a specific mechanic themselves, always based on availability.

Amelia is the main solution available to them (but also, for you, if you offer services that are almost similar; legal consultants, for example, have clients who want to schedule meetings based on the type of help they need). Its versatility makes it one of the best WordPress booking plugins on the market.

Moreover, Amelia is much more complete. With it, you can collect deposits and payments. Now you just need to know how to install it on your site? In fact, it's not a problem. In just a few clicks, you'll have a ready-made system. Once again, being a computer whiz is not necessary.

I also like the fact that this plugin has an administrative dashboard. Tracking and measuring KPIs are then easier. You will have access to graphs, tables, and diagrams, with all the data that might interest you.

The design of the booking calendar is fully customizable, so you can choose the colors and other design elements that match the style of your website.


If you offer services where booking is necessary, without further ado, I advise you to choose from the list of 7 plugins that I have established for you. Otherwise, you will not only waste precious time in your life answering the phone, but you will also lose money.

Among these 7 proposals, which one is still the best?

I cannot answer this question. The answer actually varies depending on the services offered by the website in question. I have indeed tried to think of all types of businesses when I created this list. I am sure that you will find one that you like and that will meet your expectations.

  • Do you want to accept payments using your plug-in?

  • Do you need to schedule appointments for multiple employees?

  • Are your customers booking a service, purchasing a product, or renting equipment?

Some plugins are specifically designed for these functions, so consider these questions carefully before making your selection. Also, check out our As an expert SEO, the website content is translated into English for more information..